Green Energy - Your Personal Impact

One of the most important factors influencing your personal impact on society and the environment is the right choice of energy source. Did you know that the energy sector is the largest emitter of CO2 emissions in Germany, accounting for over 80%? Read here how to make a true impact by your conscious choice!

Sustainable Banking - Your Personal Impact

Your money has not only financial, but also socio-ecological value! We present the principles of sustainable banks, compare current sustainability ratings and show how you can actively contribute to a more sustainable future in the banking sector. 🌿🏦✨

Sustainable telecommunications - What you should consider

The world of sustainable mobile phone providers and why it's worth considering green mobile phone contracts. In this article you will find out what you should look out for in order to contribute to a more sustainable mobile network.


Green electricity, reliable and sustainable



Social-ecological public welfare account



Fair tariffs with climate and data protection



Soon available. Check back for updates


Greenwashing has no place here

Take a look at our quality standards and labels. We only show providers who demonstrate the highest standards on the market.

Your impact matters

How big is your social-ecological footprint really? We not only show you the impact you can make, but also provide you with concrete alternatives to set change in motion. Your action today makes the difference for a future worth living for all.

Your personal impact - Footprint 2.0

In this blog post, we explore the following question: How big is your social-ecological footprint …

Green energy providers - Things you should consider

Choosing *real green electricity is your easy way to actively contribute to the energy transition. …